Time is flying by! We are back in the swing of things at school, the fall season (and weather!) is finally here, and our little munchkin has become a girl on the go! She turned 10 months old on September 24th and, even though the last month has gone by fast, she has reached some tremendous new milestones! She is now super confident with her walking - she will let go of anything and walk wherever she wants! When she falls, she catches herself (most of the time!) and uses her hands to soften the blow, so she usually avoids bumps and bruises. She has learned to say "mama" and "dada" with meaning, and can wave hello and goodbye. She attempts to say "hi" while she's waving, but it just comes out as a scream with the "h" sound in the beginning of it!
She babbles like nobody's business - she is going to be a talker! She talks all day long in what seems to be her own language, but her facial expressions indicate that she is really telling you something important! She started eating table food with her hands, and can give herself her bottle, although she needs help with the last bit of it. She is still in love with her doll, Polly - she lays down and snuggles up with her at night, and that's usually how she will stay throughout the night.
She has three more teeth coming in, but has been doing surprisingly well with the discomfort. She is still sleeping completely through the night (7:00pm-6:30am) and only has small cranky moments where she'll try to bite things or put her fingers in her mouth. I think she is getting used to the discomfort though.
She loves reading, and will turn the pages for us now. She also loves taking the book and putting it on top of her head, like a hat - I don't know where she got this from, but she will do it with every new page! Maybe she is learning to read by osmosis!
I would make an updated list of Taylor's likes and dislikes, but it would look something like this: Likes - EVERYTHING, Dislikes - Being tired. She is really such a good girl and we are really blessed that she is so happy and easy-going!