Wearing Auntie Kim's hat!
Having fun in the bathtub with dada!
Having fun in the bathtub with dada!
Trying to see if her baby will fit down the hole for the plastic ball
Taylor is now 15 months old, and can be described in one word: curious! She is trying to figure out how everything works. She points to anything she sees until we tell her what it's called. She loves reading non-fiction books with a lot of photographs so that she can point to the pictures. Her favorites are "Smiles" (a book of pictures of babies smiling), "Leaves", and "Snow". We've started letting her walk alongside of us on the way home from daycare, and the half-block walk usually takes 20 minutes because she loves watching cars go by, kids playing, water draining down the sewer, and anything that might fly by us in the wind.
She has also given us a taste of what her terrible two's might be like - yes, tantrums have begun! When she doesn't get something that she wants, she will cry and give us a pouty lip. It's cute but the idea that full on tantrums are on their way is a little frightening!
Taylor also amazes us with how much she has learned. She can point to and identify her hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, hands, and feet. She can also identify and say her favorite shape, which is a star. Inconsistently, she has also pointed out the colors purple, blue, and black when we asked her to find them. She loves coloring and has figured out how to move the crayons back and forth, rather than pounding them on the paper or trying to eat them! She knows some animal sounds; when asked what an animal says, she will say that a dog says "woof", a cow says "moo", and a horse says "neigh". She has been showing some early signs of readiness for potty training, even though I'm sure it's still far from being executed. She has been waking up dry some mornings, and sometimes points to her diaper right after she goes. Let's keep our fingers crossed that she's an early potty trainer! :)
She is also becoming quite a talker, learning and repeating new words every day. Here is a list of some of her common words: hi, bye, hello, more, baby, dog, car, wow, night-night, mama, dada, bath, mouth, ear, up, no, yeah, done, go, woof, neigh, moo, woah, baba (grandpa), star, ball, water, and milk.