Thursday, January 21, 2010

Taylor's Likes and Dislikes...

Her new crib toy - a lifesaver for mommy and daddy!
I am definitely a morning person! This is how I greet mom every morning!
My sad face... doesn't it melt your heart?
Staring at the window - my favorite hobby
Good morning mom!
My tummy time is not very productive...
Playing on my playmat
Talking to my "friends" on the playmat

Taylor has been so much fun lately! She finally is sleeping better at night - not through the night, but at least in longer stretches. She has more wakeful playing time during the day, and her naps seem more productive in getting her rest.
Here is an updated list of Taylor's likes and dislikes:

Taylor likes... taking a bath, playing on her playmat, waking up in the morning, listening to music with daddy, the sound of running water, swinging in her swing, smiling, "talking" to mommy, "talking" to the stuffed animals on her playment, batting at toys, looking at windows and bright lights, staring at her Aquarium crib toy, getting her diaper changed

Taylor dislikes... having the hiccups, anything that goes on between the hours of 7-8:30 at night (her fussy time!), being overtired, burping, tummy time, being in her carrier (before the car starts moving!), getting out of the bathtub

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