Friday, February 1, 2013

4 Months Old!

Madelyn is now 4 months old! She continues to be the most easy-going baby ever. She is sleeping very well, usually falling asleep around 8:30pm and sleeping until 7:30am, sometimes waking up at around 3:00am for a quick feeding. She tried cereal for the first time a couple of days ago, and she loves it! We've been giving it to her once a day, and plan to add a serving of oatmeal soon. She can roll from her tummy to her back, and is very close to rolling from her back to her tummy. She found her feet the other day, and she loves playing with them! She absolutely LOVES her sister - she lights up whenever she hears Taylor's voice, and smiles at whatever she does! Here is an update of her stats:

Height: 26 inches (96%)
Weight: 14 lb. 5 oz. (66%)
Head Circumference: 41.9 cm (76%)
Clothing size: 6 months
Diaper size: 2

Maddy likes...
Playing with her hands, putting her fingers in her mouth, grabbing mommy's hair, reaching for a toy, cooing and babbling, laughing at daddy when he "raps", tummy time, standing on someone's lap, sitting with assistance, watching and listening to her sister, rolling over, smiling at anyone who talks to her, sleeping, feeling new and different textures, "talking" to people, eating cereal, splashing in the bathtub, hearing music, listening to people singing, cuddling.

Maddy dislikes...
Sudden noises, being hungry, being overtired, scratching her face (which she does all of the time and doesn't realize what's happening), getting her nails trimmed.

Update on Maddy's kidney condition (hydronephrosis): 
We spoke with Maddy's urologist, Dr. Smith, the other day, and despite what he told me at last week's appointment, he still wants to try and wait until Maddy is 6 months old to do her surgery. I guess that, after 6 months, the chances are more likely that they will be able to do the procedure through her ureter, without making an incision. So Dr. Smith is going to schedule the surgery for early April, but will monitor her every 3 weeks until that point. If he feels that her condition gets worse quickly, he will intervene and do the surgery right away. So, MORE waiting! We are getting frustrated with the urgency, followed by the waiting, but we do trust that Dr. Smith is making the right decision for her.

She loved bundling up and going for a walk

Getting ready for her first solid food feeding!

Ready to eat!


Taylor was a very helpful big sister and gave Maddy her first serving of rice cereal. She missed her mouth a couple of times, but did a great job overall!

Looking at her toys during tummy time!

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