Saturday, December 22, 2012

Maddy is 3 Months Old!

Madelyn is now 3 months old! She continues to be the happiest, most easygoing baby ever. She has been sleeping very well, usually going down between 8:30 and 10:00, waking up around 3:00 for a feeding, and sleeping until 7:00. She's been getting up slightly more often lately, because she likes to bust out of her swaddle and then cry because she isn't swaddled. She also has a little cold, so that's been bothering her too. 
She has discovered her hands, and they are her whole world now. She stares at them, touches her face, and tries to hit any toys dangling by her. She once grabbed her own hair and screamed in pain, not knowing that she was causing it.
She still spits up like crazy, despite being on Prevacid. Taylor and I call her the Spit Up Queen. She has had days where I had to change her clothes 6 or more times. 

Maddy likes...
Splashing in the bathtub, listening to her sister talk, smiling, playing on her activity mat, playing in her aquarium bouncer, her hands, "talking" with people (hearing people mimic her coos, and cooing back), swinging in her swing, being swaddled, cuddling, listening to music.

Maddy dislikes...
Tummy time, being cold, being sick... that's pretty much it! 

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