Wednesday, November 11, 2009

4 cm!

Hi everyone! Well we had our doctor's appointment on Monday... right now I am between 3.5 and 4 centimeters dilated, and 70% effaced! Our doctor said that she is surprised that my water hasn't broken yet. I have another appointment next Wednesday, but hopefully I will be done by then! I can wish, right?

I also had a non-stress test done today, which went well. The only thing was that they kept extending my time. The baby wasn't moving a lot - it's not one of her usual active times of the day! So I ended up sitting there for an hour just to get the right number of movements! Overall, she seemed healthy. We weren't able to get a good ultrasound picture - her hands were covering her face again. I hope this isn't a trend with her!

I was able to get the H1N1 flu shot today at my doctor's office, which was nice because I avoided the long lines at the county health department. Now I don't have to worry every time one of my students has a cough or runny nose!

Well our bags are packed, the house is in order, sub plans are ready at school, we are all set- we just need the baby!

1 comment:

  1. Csn't wait to see the little one. She will be here before you know it!
    Colleen, Andy, & Quinn
