Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer Fun and 7 Months Old!

Trying to sit up - check out the determination in her face!
Lounging around!
Out for a walk!

Relaxing in my exersaucer!
Check out my new swimsuit!First time in the pool!I love the pool!

Summer is officially here, and we have thoroughly been enjoying our summer at home with Taylor! She has become so interactive, and showing more personality every day. On June 24th she turned 7 months old. So far during this summer, she has enjoyed her first kiddie pool experience, a couple of trips to the zoo, and a countless number of walks outside.

She is sleeping through the night now (WOOHOO!) typically from 7pm-6:30am. She also takes two solid naps, one in the morning for about 1.5-2 hours, and an afternoon nap about the same length. Depending on the timing, she might also take a 30-45 minute nap in the late afternoon. She has tried a lot of new fruits and vegetables - some of her favorite include butternut squash, avocado, sweet potatoes, bananas, peaches, mango, and carrots.

She has begun babbling earlier this week, putting together strings of "bababa", "mamama", "tatata", and "dadada". She also shrieks, spits, and blows bubbles all day long! Her favorite hobby is still WALKING while holding our fingers. She doesn't want to do anything else! Although it goes against the recommendations of most pediatricians, I might break down and get her a walker. We'll see....

I hope you all have a wonderful Independence Day weekend!

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