Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Waiting Game...

Sam Update: 
We don't have a whole lot of new information about Sam - we've really just been waiting to get everything started. We both forgot how annoying it can be to wait around for phone calls, insurance pre-approvals, etc.!
Sam did have a CT scan of his chest today, which did come back completely clear. We are thrilled about that because Ewing's sarcoma often metastasizes to the lungs. They did check his lungs in his first round of scans a couple of weeks ago, but the CT gave a more full picture. So we are very grateful that everything looked good.
He will go in tomorrow to have surgery to put in his port. He will also get a bone marrow biopsy while he is under anesthesia.
Thursday, we will go in to meet with Sam's new oncologist, Dr. Rubin, to go over his treatment plan. As some of you know, Dr. Nachman, Sam's previous oncologist, passed away suddenly last summer. Dr. Rubin worked closely with Dr. Nachman, so we are completely confident that we will get the same level of care as last time. Dr. Nachman will be missed though - he and Sam were very close.
Baby Update: 
While Sam is at his surgery tomorrow, Taylor and I will be taking a trip up to the high-risk OBGYN to get another ultrasound. This one will be accompanied by a pediatric cardiologist, who will look at the baby's heart to make sure everything looks fine. As I mentioned before, the baby has a mild pyelectasis, which is a dilation of her kidneys. She also has an echo cardio foci, which is a bright spot on her heart. Both of these things, we've been told, are very common and usually are nothing. But to be on the safe side, the cardiologist will make sure everything is ok. We are very excited to be seeing some new ultrasound pics of our little girl! I am currently 24 weeks and feeling great. The baby has been kicking like crazy.
Our Father's Day!
We had a wonderful Father's Day weekend. It was very relaxing - almost like our "calm before the storm". On Friday, we visited Oswego Prairie Fest, where Taylor enjoyed playing with the chickens and baby goats at the petting zoo. She also watched a gymnastics show. We knew it was time to go home when she had a meltdown because she couldn't go "do flips with the girls"!
On Saturday, Sam and Taylor had their first swim class of the season! Taylor had a blast. She loves being in the water. She was not a fan of being dunked under water, but surprisingly she didn't cry! She just kept saying "dada don't do that anymore!".
On Sunday, Taylor and I went to visit my dad for a little bit in the morning. On the way there, we stopped at the store to pick up my annual Father's Day gift for my dad (cashews). While we were standing in line, Taylor picked up a pack of blue tic-tacs and shouted "Oh, mama, Bapa will be so excited to have these!" so, of course, I had to buy them! When we got there, she handed them to Bapa and said "Here, I got you jelly beans! Let's try some!" I wish I could have gotten a picture of her face when she actually tried the "jelly beans"! The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing outside with Taylor, and getting some ice cream at the Creamery, which was exactly what Sam wanted. 

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