Monday, July 13, 2009

If They Mated...

Sam and I have a bit too much time on our hands now that we're both off for the summer! We found a website that you can generate a picture of what your future baby will look like based on current photos of the parents. Yes, we're that nerdy! I've attached the picture below... it actually does resemble both of us, surprisingly!

We also had an appointment last week with our regular OBGYN, Dr. Carney. Although we're not considered a high risk pregnancy anymore, she still recommended us to a perinatologist, whom we will be seeing this week. Dr. Carney said that everything looks great, she just wants me to have a perinatologist since we had such a rough beginning, just in case anything else were to come
up. Our new perinatologist is out of Edward Hospital as well, her name is Dr. Moran. We'll be seeing her on Friday, and she will be giving us another ultrasound to get a higher resolution view of the baby's heart. I guess she was laying in an odd position last time and they didn't get a clear view. Dr. Carney assures us that this happens often and is nothing to be concerned about. We will keep you all posted on how that appointment goes this week.

This week has been a lot of fun because I've been able to feel the baby move a lot! Sam hasn't been able to feel her from the outside still, so we're hoping that he will be able to feel her in the next week or so!

1 comment:

  1. Dennis and I did the same thing! You are more than halfway through!!!! I bet you are getting excited AND I am VERY glad you caved and found out the sex. Can't wait to meet Lil Miss Pavelka...I like Cailyn by the way :) Tara
