Aside from finding out the sex of the baby, we had a very detailed ultrasound of each part of the baby's anatomy. It lasted a while - about 45 minutes - and we got to see her little hands, feet, spine, face, and even organs like her kidneys, brain, and bladder. Everything looked completely normal and healthy, and she was throwing little kicks and punches the whole time. The ultrasound tech had a hard time keeping her still for pictures - I hope this isn't a part of her personality that lasts! She is no longer the huge baby that she was at 10 weeks - she's in the 48th percentile of size now, instead of the 98th percentile (quite a relief!). She's measuring around 6 inches long. Right now she is in breech position, but she's got plenty of time to turn around!
I've started to feel her kicks and punches a lot more often in the last couple of days. It happens mostly at night when I'm laying down, or when I'm in the car. I think Sam will be able to feel them from the outside soon, as they're getting stronger and more frequent. He can't wait! We've tried but he hasn't been able to feel anything yet.
Yesterday was the last appointment that I had at the University of Chicago. I have a follow up appointment with Dr. Carney out of Edward Hospital. She will be my new OBGYN throughout the rest of my pregnancy.
By the way, thank you to whoever has been clicking on the ads on our blog! We have already earned $20! All of the money earned on this website will go into our little girl's savings account.
I have posted an ultrasound picture below of her profile.
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